Our Goal Is to Help You Sell More Franchise Awards
One of the biggest problems emerging franchisors have is effectively selling new franchise locations. Without a dedicated franchise sales lead generation program and a sales process, unfortunately, most emerging franchise brands will not hit their sales and profit goals. It goes without saying that the inability to effectively sell franchises is the primary reason most franchise concepts fail.
We speak with many business owners who have decided to franchise and have invested tens of thousands of dollars in creating legal entities and franchise disclosure documents that have yet to sell a single franchise location. This is because they were not properly equipped or prepared to compete against some of the mega brands with seemingly unlimited franchise sales and marketing budgets.
In order to avoid this common pitfall, it is imperative that you create a Franchise Sales Plan.
Make an appointment with a member of our team of specialists.
Let Us Help You with Your Franchise Sales!
In our thirty years in franchising, we have learned a lot about creating and perfecting franchise sales plans. Making a plan is the most important thing you can do as a franchisor because structuring your sales tactics will allow you to understand what is working and what isn’t.
When making a franchise sales plan, there are many things to think about, including where you want to sell, whom you want to sell to, how to qualify a prospect, and so much more. When you work with us, we will help you sort through the questions to make a solid plan.
Weather Franchise & Industry Market Changes
When it comes to franchise sales, it is reasonable to expect your strategies to change over time. Changing business climates, changing franchise markets, and changing customers and franchisees all impact the way you sell your business. When we make a franchise sales plan, we keep that in mind, focusing on three main points to keep you flexible.
The bottom line is that you need to have a well-developed franchise sales plan and systems in place to help accomplish those goals. With 35 years of franchising experience, we have learned how to effectively accomplish your franchise sales goal. To get started, click here to complete our quick online form.
1. Set Goals
The first thing to do is set a goal for how many franchises you want to sell. You cannot adequately measure the success of your sales plan if you do not have a goal in mind before you start. Whether you want to sell 5 franchises or 100, decide that up front, and adjust your sales plan accordingly.
2. Measure Your Success
One of the most important services that Accurate Franchising offers is continual observation of your sales successes. As part of your franchise sales support, we are constantly measuring the relevant metrics to ensure that we are using the most effective sales tactics.
3. Evaluate and Adjust
Because we are constantly measuring your sales successes, we are constantly learning more about selling your franchise. When it becomes apparent that a particular technique is not working, we will make adjustments in an effort to improve it. Making adjustments when they are necessary will keep your business on the cutting edge of sales.
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